Vlog 3 – Key Concepts of Gambit Play

We are working on the technical aspects of making this better. Hopefully we managed once again. This time we are going through the forthcoming book Key Concepts of Gambit Play and offering an exercise from the Greek rapid Championship. The pgn file mentioned in the vlog is available here.

17 thoughts on “Vlog 3 – Key Concepts of Gambit Play”

  1. Aagaard, good sound. Hopefully a USB mic is the answer. Remember to name your partner (whose sound is not as good, but still a decent laptop mic). Gambits are fun stuff!

  2. @alpine
    Jacob had a usb mic from the start. The “problem” that had to be solved was me to learn how the software manages sound from different sources and how to inser all those audio streams in the presentation. For example, at some point we recorded a video with me talking but no sound of me was in the video. So, i asked Jacob to record the whole thing from the start! And this was because there was abar showing my sound (it was going up and down while i was talking), but this stream was not in the recording. Complicated stuff! Also, my sound doesn’t come from my laptop mic. That was in Vlog #1. From Vlog #2 my sound comes from the web cam mic which is better than my laptop’s but not as good as Jacob’s usb mic.

  3. Sound is good for both now. Another interesting video.

    @Nikos Ntirlis Someone made a thread on the ChessPub forums saying you’re making a QGD repertoire for Black. This is the thread: http://www.chesspub.com/cgi-bin/chess/YaBB.pl?num=1478348017

    I would like to know if this is true? Also can you say which mainline you’ll offer for Black (if it is true)? I hope the Tartakower/TMB. I believe the last book recommending the Tartakower, was John Cox’s Declining the QGD from 2011. Daniel King made a ChessBase DVD earlier this year, called: Power Play 23: A Repertoire for black with the Queen’s Gambit Declined, he recommended the Tartakower as his main choice. I thought that was good, however, a DVD can’t go into much depth. I really like the way Adams has handled it over the last several years. 5.Bf4 theory has also moved on extensively since Cox’s book. I believe it’s a good time to write a book on the Classical QGD. I’ll probably end up buying the Ragozin one as well, I think it’s too sharp for me though.

    I also hope someone will write a book on the QID as well. Nimzo/QID and Tartakower are my favourite 1.d4 defences. Karpov and Adams are the best.

  4. @James
    I can answer. Yes, he is writing the book, it will be out a few months into 2017. And no, we do not debate the lines before publication as a rule, a rule that is getting firmer and firmer as we gain more experience 😉

  5. The only thing i think i am allowed to say is to simply take a look how the big names are playing the QGD nowdays (2700+ GMs). The guys know very well what they are doing 😉

  6. Jacob Aagaard :
    I can answer. Yes, he is writing the book, it will be out a few months into 2017. And no, we do not debate the lines before publication as a rule, a rule that is getting firmer and firmer as we gain more experience

    I agree the lines should not be debated before a book has been published.
    However what variation of QGD will most likely be covered?

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