The Boleslavsky Medal for Best Author


FIDE, the World Chess Federation, has just announced the results of their Trainer Awards for 2011. There are awards for best trainer in various categories, but the category that interests us most is the Boleslavsky Medal for Best Author. This year it was won by Jacob Aagaard. So well done Jacob. And well done us.

In recent days Jacob has become Scottish Champion and won the Boleslavsky Medal. Such things normally come in threes. What next? I will note that the Olympics start in a few days…

6 thoughts on “The Boleslavsky Medal for Best Author”

  1. Congrats, Jacob! Well deserved. I also see that QC author Lev Pshakis won the “special achievement” in training Petrosian award. You are getting quite a stable of award winning authors there. Quality indeed!

  2. Jacob Aagaard

    It so great to be one of the four best chess authors in the world, together with Mark Dvoretsky, Artur Yusupov and Grivas.

  3. I keep my fingers crossed to see whole series of Jacob’s OPUS MAGNUM :). I would like to see and compare what “chess weapon” is hidden together. Artus Jusupow’s and Jacob’s series might be really high acclaimed. I wish Jacob will be recognized by his present series GP. If I am not wrong – it is the first (official) try to publish books for improving players rated 2000 to 2400. That way my favourite author (yes Jacob, I mean ypou) should get recognition and well deserved respect as a chess author. I believe GM Jacob Aagaard will be seen as a great trainer, player and author :).

  4. Quality Chess

    Please consider publishing a book of positions containing most of the “Essential Chess Knowledge/Patterns”, for easy review of the fundamental chess blocks in strategy, tactics, endgames and so on, basically an improved version of Alburt’s “Chess Training Pocket Book”.

    You could take positions and ideas from already published books like “Chess Tactics From Scratch”, The Yusupov Series, Dvoretsky’s Endgame Manual, Attacking Manuals, etc, but the main point is to have “all” of the most important ones in one place for constant refreshment.

    I think such a book would be a must for all club players and a sales success.

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